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Take Action and Join Us!

Join us in transforming California’s addiction rehabilitation landscape!

California’s addiction rehabilitation system regulations need more changes to eliminate unscrupulous individuals capitalizing on vulnerable lives. The situation has reached a critical point, with recovering addicts facing inappropriate, incompetent, or even illegal treatments, leading to devastating consequences.

The Orange County Register has uncovered the shocking reality of this crisis, revealing the dire state of affairs in cities like Malibu, Laguna Beach, Costa Mesa, Dana Point, Laguna Hills, San Juan Capistrano, and San Clemente. The concentration of licensed and unlicensed treatment facilities, especially in Orange County, is alarming, with unregulated operations displacing families and exploiting the very communities they are supposed to support.

Now is the time to take action! By becoming a member, you contribute to the movement striving for change. Together, we can advocate for stricter regulations, increased oversight, and the prioritization of clinical settings for addiction treatment. Let’s protect the vulnerable and reclaim the character of our cities.

Join us today to make a difference and ensure that addiction treatment in California is compassionate, effective, and safe. Your support matters – together, we can bring about positive change! #RehabilitationReform #JoinTheMovement